Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. is a writer and ghostwriter with a broad background spanning space science to the humanities. Prior to devoting full time to writing, Jackie studied the planets in our Solar System from one end to the other during a 20-year career in the space program working for NASA at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Jackie was a also a professor for 20 years, teaching a wide variety of subjects at a number of colleges and universities. He also spent 6 years working for Microsoft, researching and discussing future trends with executives and leaders from around the world. He has written over 450 articles, many books, blog posts and press releases. He ghostwrites blogs for executives of major companies and he has four popular personal blogs of his own. He is an expert on social networking and marketing.
Jackie has over 25 years freelance writing experience. For 7 years, he was the commentary columnist for the Environment News Service with his "Healing Our World" column.
Jackie holds a bachelors degree in Astronomy and a Masters and Ph.D. in Environmental Studies. He is also the president of the Center for Lifelong Learning, offering speed reading programs. Jackie lives in Seattle, Washington with his wife Lani, his son Justin, step-son Forrest, dogs Buddy and Shadow, and a number of fish.
Jackie can assist you with writing, projects of all kinds. He can ghostwrite or co-author with you. He can do a line by line extended copyediting of what you have writen. He is skilled at taking any subject and making it understandable, so "translating" your work into teachable terms for any age or background is a specialty.