Current happenings in my business and in the field of writing. Here are some of the ways I reach potential clients all over the world.
Teaching as if Your Life Depends on It
My latest book under my own name is about how to teach in a way that empowers and excites people about learning. Most teachers at every level are facing a crisis. Their lives are encumbered by standards and tests created by governments and administrators and students are leaving school unprepared for life's challenges. My book will provide a way to excite and inspire people I call "deep teaching" by reminding them of their ever-present connection to the natural world and the importance of environmental issues. See a preview at my DEEPTEACHING website.

My ad in
Celebrity Magazine
In an attempt to reach celebrities wanting to write their book, I advertised in Celebrity News Magazine. Celebrities have a special dilemma. Their fame attracts fans who want information about their favorite performers and stars. But the media is too often interested in sensationalism, even if it isn't backed up by facts. For a celebrity, a book can serve the fans and help clear up the often false impressions promoted by the media.

My ad in the
Carmel Pine Cone
Carmel, California is one of my favorite places. By the rocky California coast on the way to San Francisco, this community is home to lots of folks who have lead fascinating lives and could be good candidates for my services.
Sand Castle in the
Some children in the Philippines build sandcastles with messages on them for donations! Great cause and you never know who is walking by on the beach! I helped them out by Photoshopping my logo in on the left, but the rest is all theirs.

Los Angeles Times and Beverly Hills Weekly Ad
I lived in Los Angeles for 34 years and know about the incredible diversity of people there with great ideas! The L.A. Times is read by folks all over the world and I suspect that many of them would love help getting their great ideas out into the world.

Business Section of the L.A. Times
You may have seen this add in the Tuesday special section of the Business Section of the Times.

Rickshaw Advertising
in Pakistan!
Yes, that's right! The webstite Fiverr.com hooks you up with artists and designers from around the world who do interesting things for just a few dollars. For a week, my sign drove around Pakistan.