Getting Started Ghostwriting Your Book
Hiring a ghostwriter can be expensive, but when you think about it, it makes sense. You are paying someone for 6 - 8 months to a year to learn your ideas and your voice, to research and discover all the dimensions of your topic, to meet with you multiple times to understand your thinking, and then to pull it all together into a great book that speaks for you. That is quite the task, let me tell you! I love it, but it is all consuming.I think it is helpful to look at the process for raising funds for your book project like you would starting any other business. You are making an investment and have to raise funds to make that happen.
I have come up with a way for you to get started on your book without the full financial investment necessary for the entire book. I call it my "Getting Starting Ghostwriting Your Book" package. Here's how it works.
I record and transcribe three telephone interviews with you. From those conversations will emerge the design, focus and direction for your book. I will then take the transcripts of our conversations, do some research, and create a Table of Contents that we will work together on. When we get that right, I will then write a compelling Introduction and the first few pages for every chapter. When we are done, you have:
1. Statement of the design and intention of your book.
2. The Table of Contents.
3. The first few pages of every chapter.
4. A plan for the research and any interviews that need to be done.
5. A recommendation for how long the book should be and costs estimates.
The result is a solid start on your book and it gives us a chance to see how well we work together and for you to start assembling the financial resources to go further. I price this Getting Started Package so that lots of people can afford it.
Some authors will take that solid beginning and start writing themselves, others will decide to wait while they raise funds, and others will start the writing phase with me. If you have me continue writing your book, the entire cost of the Getting Started Phase is credited toward the price of your book.
Believe me, you will feel fantastic when you see your book started!
Contact me today to see what your Getting Started Package would cost.