Fundraising ideas for your ghostwriting project.
Ghostwriting is being talked about more openly these days than ever before. I think it is good thing to de-mystify the writing process and dispel the myths that people have grown up with about who writes books.
Ghostwriting is a time-honored service and has been going on since the dawn of communication. Not every great thinker is a good writer and it makes sense that others would assist them in getting their ideas and passions out into the world. Not all books are written by authors sitting in solitude in a cabin in the woods or in a smoky bar. The reality is that ghost writers are often employed even by famous authors to satisfy their readers' demands for their work.

And in today's technological world, it is easier than ever for anyone to get their book self-published. No longer do a small group of publishers control what the world reads. THAT is a very good thing.
But hiring a ghostwriter can be very expensive. When you think about it, it makes sense. You are paying someone for 4 months to a year to learn your ideas and your voice, to research and discover all the dimensions of your topic, to meet with you multiple times to understand your thinking, and then to pull it all together into a great book that speaks for you. That is quite the task, let me tell you! I love it, but it is all consuming.
So unless you have significant financial resources, how do you come up with the money to have a ghostwriter write your book? The costs will vary depending on size and complexity, but don't ask your ghostwriter to work for the promise of income when your book is sold. The world is a complex place and there is no way to guarantee that your book will be successful, no matter how good you think it is. Your ghostwriter has bills to pay, too!
I think it is helpful to look at the process for raising funds for your book project like you would starting any other business. You are making an investment and have to raise funds to make that happen. Here are some fundraising ideas that could get you the resources you need to get your book written.
Borrow Money When starting any new business, see what resources you have. Maybe family and friends would want to invest in your future success. It can't hurt to ask. Check with your bank about getting a business loan or maybe there is a line of credit you can tap on property you own. If you are part of a credit union - join one if you are not - they often have very good loan programs.
Credit Cards Be sure you call your credit card companies periodically and ask them to reduce your interest rate. They will often do it for you over the phone. And you can ask them to increase your credit limit.
Your Fan Base Many of you are already established in your profession or maybe you have written some things before and have a following. Contact those folks and ask them to be supporters of your writing venture. Call prominent people in your community who might be interested in your project.
Crowdfunding If you don't have a ready-made fan base, make one! Kickstarter may be the one you hear about the most, but there are many others. You can see a list of them at Don't think these sites are just for people that already have a following, because that isn't true. Anyone with a great idea can make a pitch and there are lots of campaigns out there to raise money for book publishing projects. In fact, I can help you design a crowd-funding campaign.
You may have more avenues to get the funds you need for your book project than you might think. Be creative and don't hesitate to call if you want help brainstorming ideas. Stay positive! If you want your book to happen, it will.
Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. Freelance Writing / Ghostwriting Seattle, WA | CELL: (206) 755-9272